Friday 2 March 2018

Monday, 26 February 2018, P. 450 - 451


The reading on coming Monday, 5 March 2018, starts at 4 p.m. (16.00h). The reason is that some 40 odd visitors from Milan will be occupying much of the Foundation's space that day.

Back to Shaun's sermon:
We stopped at "Not a spot of my hide but you'd love to seek and scan again!" (451.26)

We read last week that Shaun had gone musical and had recited, 'do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si' to his sister Issy. Of course, he did not do it so straightforwardly, and recited in the fashion of FW, 'I give, a king, 
to me, she does, alone, up there, yes see'. (For those who missed the reading on the 19th February these are the translations of Italian words do, re, mi, etc into English!)

The history or origin of this system of musical syllables is interesting in its own way. They are taken from a medieval hymn in Latin (reproduced below) for John, the Baptist.

Ut queant laxis
resonare fibris,
Mira gestorum
famuli tuorum,
Solve polluti
labii reatum,
Sancte Iohannes

Read more about it here!

Shaun is boasting about his musical abilities, saying, '... you can't cadge me off the key. I've a voicical lilt too true!....I'm athlone in the lillabilling of killarnies.' (He never goes off key.... he is at home in singing Lily of Killarney...). He thinks of John McCormack, the tenor (I sport a what youmacormack in the latter part of my throughers.)

Suddenly we are transported into the world of poisons, of heimlocked, laburnums, Belladama (hemlock, laburnum, belladonna) because 'What's god for the gorse in a goad for the garden ' (What is good for the goose is good for the gander)!

There is of course much more to be discovered / uncoded on these pages. Have fun!

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