Sunday 10 February 2019

Monday, 4 February 2019, Pages 529 - 531

The reading stopped at "Master's gunne he warrs the best." (531.4)

When I think about the pages we read this week, I have to remind myself - constantly - that what we are reading takes place in the dream world.  Earwicker is dreaming and we are kind of voyeurs of his dreams. This is the only way I can extract some sense out of these pages.

This chapter (chapter 3, book 3) started with Shaun being subjected to interrogation by four old men (four wise men, four evangelists, ...).  Now others are being interrogated. As Joseph Campbell writes, "The whole great world of the sons and the grandsons simply vanishes like a dream, and only the primordial, archetypal presence of HCE and ALP remains." A couple of things they want to know about HCE is whether he is the co-owner of a circus (hengster's circus near North Great Denmark Street; 529.33), whether he sent his son to buy the usual jar of porter ... and set it down before the wife ... bidding her mine the hoose (mind the house)..., while he and his buddies go rampaging the roads? (530.12 ff)

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