Sunday, 21 April 2019

Monday, 15 April 2019, Pages 547 - 548

Stopped again before reaching a full stop! At "...  the peak of Pim's and Slyne's and Sparrow's, ..." (548.26)

Pim's was a Dublin draper and Slyne and Sparrow were ladies' tailors. Here HCE is describing all the things including liberties of fringes he gave her, ALP.  He did that with all loving kindness as far as in man's might it lay ...

By the way, there will be no reading of FW on 22 April, Easter Monday. 

Friday, 12 April 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019, Pages 544 - 547

Stopped at ".... she wept: O my lors!" (547.8)

By she HCE is referring here to ALP, his good wife (mmummy goods waif). By calling her Fluvia* and Fulvia Fluvia**, he makes her into a river, which courses around Vienna (wiening courses of this world), Paris (turned ... her ways to god on uphills upon search of louvers) and Ireland (Earalend) ...
She could have been abused by some men/police/criminals (bywaymen from Moabit). But HCE says that she is an ideal (iddle) woman. Still he waged love on her: and spoiled her undines. No wonder that she wept: O my lors!

* Fluvia means river in Latin
** Fulvia was the wife of Clodius Pulcher, Scribonius Curio and Marcus Antonius, all supporters of Julius Caesar.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Monday, 1 April 2019, Pages 542 - 544

Our reading stopped at "... half february, ..." (544.36)

Note that the sentence is not yet complete. It is about two pages long!
In fact Joseph Campbell describes these pages as "... two pages of rooms-to-let advertisements, describing the dreary habitations which have flourished under the broad protection of this great empire-builder."