Friday, 30 December 2016

Monday, 19 December 2016, Pages 354 - 355

 Reading in 2016 has brought us up to ".... on allaround." (355.9)

It was party time!

We meet next on Monday, 9th January 2017 to continue about (but who else?) the Russian General.

Wishing all the FW readers a happy 2017 and - borrowing the words of one of my friends - good riddance 2016!

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Monday, 12 December 2016, Pages 353 - 354

We made slow progress and stopped at "... cococancancacacanotioun." (354.21)

In one single paragraph on page 353, we read about splitting (abnihilisation) of the atom (etym) by Lord Rutherford (he is actually considered the father of nuclear physics) and - in the same breath - about Cinderella. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Monday, 5 December 2016, Pages 351 - 353

Our reading stopped at "... all the rattles in his arctic!"  (353.13)

... wiz the healps of gosh and his bluzzid maikar, ... that he leaves nyet is my grafe.

By the way, the urssian gemenal, i.e., the Russian general is back. 

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Monday, 28 November 2016, Pages 350 - 351

We read as far as "... let me down." (351.33)

I am getting foegutfulls of what it was all about, particularly with the hints of red light district areas in Hongkong (Lyndhurst Terrace) and Singapore (Mellay Street), but yet still in all, spit for spat, I had my billyfell of duckish delights... Oh, by the way, Chorney Chaplain made a visit too! Anyway, no more basquibezigues for this pole aprican!