Stopped at "...he knows as much how to man a wife as Dunckle Dalton of matching wools." (248.22)
1. On coming Monday, the 27th of July, at 14.30h, Halila will present some of the work she has been doing during her stay at the Foundation as a scholar. Everyone interested is very welcome to attend.
2. There will be no reading during the first week of August due to the Workshop held at the Foundation. Therefore, this reading group will not be meeting on Monday, 3 August 2015.
1. On coming Monday, the 27th of July, at 14.30h, Halila will present some of the work she has been doing during her stay at the Foundation as a scholar. Everyone interested is very welcome to attend.
2. There will be no reading during the first week of August due to the Workshop held at the Foundation. Therefore, this reading group will not be meeting on Monday, 3 August 2015.