Monday, 30 March 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015, Pages 226 - 228

Stopped at "with farecard awailable getrennty years." (228.24)

Please note that there won't be a reading next week, Easter Monday, April 6. We're meeting again on Monday, April 13.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015, Pages 224 - 226

Stopped at "Then romped round in rout." (226.29)

And, after the reading many of us, ladies, went home determined 'to help our hussybands how to hop'. (226.19)
What did the men decide, I don't know.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015, Pages 222 - 224

Read as far as "Ah, ho! Cicely, awe!"  (224.21)

To decipher:
Sammy, call on.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015, Pages 221 - 222

Stopped at "... shehind hims back." (222.36)

Interesting phases/words:

  • Ouida Nooikke ('yes, yes', 'no, no' in Danish)
  • Maidykins in Undiform ('Mädchen in Uniform)

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015, Pages 219 - 221

Read as far as "Time: the present." (221.17)

The summary of Book II, section 1: (
While Book I of Finnegans Wake deals mostly with the parents HCE and ALP, Book II shifts that focus onto their children, Shem, Shaun and Issy.
II.1 opens with a pantomime programme, which outlines, in relatively clear language, the identities and attributes of the book's main characters. The chapter then concerns a guessing game among the children, in which Shem is challenged three times to guess by "gazework" the colour which the girls have chosen.[48] Unable to answer due to his poor eyesight, Shem goes into exile in disgrace, and Shaun wins the affection of the girls. Finally HCE emerges from the pub and in a thunder-like voice calls the children inside.[49]