Monday, 30 December 2013

Monday, 30 December 2013

Today we stopped at: 
Spartacus intercellular. (116.11)

Some favourites:

we grisly old Sykos (115.21)
(grusligi alti Sieche?)

what oracular comepression we have had apply to them! (115.24)

of inverted parentage with a prepossessing drauma present in her past (115.32)

and so wider  (115.21)

Friday, 27 December 2013

Monday, 23 December 2013

We stopped at one of the most important questions in the book: "... where in the waste is the wisdom?" (114.20)

Favourites of the day:

No minzies matter. (113.13)

Spissially (schwrites) when they peaches. (113.16)

... ich beam so frech, bey? (113.25)

... anxious to pleace averyburies and jully glad when Christmas comes his once year. (113.34)

We cannot say aye to aye. We cannot smile noes from noes. (114.1)

... lines of litters slithering up and loads of latters slettering down, ... (114.17)

and, of course

... where in the waste is the wisdom? (114.20)

Surely we will all search for a plausible answer to the above question as 2013 ends and 2014 begins!
Have nice holidays, spissially as Christmas comes his once year only!

Monday, 16 December 2013

Monday, 16 December 2013

Stopped at "... tutus to be forrarder." (113.9) 

Favourites of the day:

... lookmelittle likemelong hen. (111.33)

Lead, kindly fowl!..... What bird has done yesterday man may do next year, be it fly, be it moult, be it hatch, be it agreement in the nest. (112.))

... she is ladylike in everything she does and plays the gentleman's part every time. (112.16)

... those gloompourers who grouse that letters have never been quite their old selves again since that weird weekday in bleak Janiveer...(112.24)

... Misthress of Arths. (112.29)

... adamologists... (113.4)

... she feel plain plate one flat fact thing and if, last ways firdstwise, a man alines sine anyone anyone utharas has no rates to done a kik at with anyone anakars about tutus... (113.5)

Blogs/Websites to follow!

Came across a very interesting blog entitled From Swerve of Shore to Bend of Bay on Joyce in general, and Finnegans Wake in particular. I especially enjoyed the post on The Book of Kells with the reproductions from the book and its links to Finnegans Wake.

Also highly recommended is the blog, Finnegans, Wake!

Note that The University of Wisconsin offers freely books (including  (a) A classical lexicon for Finnegans Wake, and (b) James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses by Frank Budgen) and articles under the title, The James Joyce Scholars' Collection as part of its digital collection.

Enjoy reading the blogs and surfing the website!

And, if you discover such blogs/websites, do share them under "Comments". Thank you!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Monday, 9 December 2013

Finished today with "... hurry-me-o'er-the hazy." (111:24)

Favourties of the day:

The river felt she wanted salt. (110:1)

That stern chuckler Mayhappy Mayhapnot,... (11:7)

... me ken or no me ken Zot...(110:13)

...Harrystotalies or the vivle...(110:17)

About that original hen. (110:22)

...a strate that was called strete... (110:28)

... at the hour of klokking twelve...(111:8)

... must now close it with fondest to the twoinns with four cross kisses for holy paul holly comer holipoli...(111:16)

Monday, 2 December 2013

Monday 2 December 2013

The last thing we read today was: "Or that each may be taken up and considered in turn apart from the other?" (109.35)

Favourties of the day:

...  guns like drums and fondlers like forceps ... (107.17)

... warring of heartshaker with housebreaker and of dramdrinker against freethinker ... (107.31)

Say, baroun lousadoor, who in hallhagal wrote the durn thing anyhow? (107.36)

Now, patience; and remember patience is the great thing, ... (108. 8)

... in this Aludin's Cove of our cagacity is that bright soandsuch to slip us the dinkum oil? (108.27)

...  faintly flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of complications, ... (109.4)

Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday 25 November 2013

Today we stopped at: in his (or her) occiput (107.12) 

Some favourites 
… of the various names given to ALP's "mammafesta": 

A Pretty Brick Story for Childsize Heroes (106.14)

Thonderbalt Captain Smeth and La Belle Sauvage Pocahonteuse (106.15)

Measly Ventures of Two Lice and the Fall of Fruit (105.21)

If my Spreadeagles Wasn't so Tight I'd Loosen my Cursits on that Bunch of Maggiestraps (106.22)

Seen Aples and Thin Dyed (106.23)

Abe to Sare Stood Icyk Neuter till Brahm Taulked Him Common Sex (105.28)

A Nibble at Eve Will That Bowal Relieve (106.30)

Allfor Guineas, Sounds and Compliments Libidous (106.31)
(for which think also of:)

… and of the next paragraph, which starts: 

The proteiform graph itself is a polyhedron of scripture. (107.8)

Monday, 18 November 2013

Monday 18 November 2013

Today we stopped at: This Mower was Reaping (106.6), about half way through the list of the various names that have been given to ALP's (untitled) "mamafesta" memorializing her husband (and that had started with a parody of The Lord's Prayer):

Some favourites of the day:

E'en Tho' I Granny a-be He would Fain Me Cuddle (105.3)

Intimier Minnelisp of an Extorreor  Monolothe (105.11)

Suppotes a Ventriliquorst Merries a Corpse (105.20)

Lapps for Finns This Funnycoon's Week (105.21)
(with echoes of Lots of Fun at Finnegans Wake)

Cowpoyride by Twelve Acre Terriss  in the Unique Estates of Amessican (105.35)
(Hear: cowboy ride, copyright, which may be reminiscent of Joyce's anger about the American publications, as if he were saying that it's a cowboy ride the way they handle authors' rights)

Of all the Wide Torsos in all the Wild Glen (106.1)

I'm the Stitch in his Baskside You'd be Nought Without Mom (106.2)
(Hear the 1920s song You're the Cream in My Coffee, I'd Be Lost Without You)

Monday, 11 November 2013

Monday, 11 November 2013

Today we read as far as 104.24 (last line): I'd Wish I Woose a Geese.

Some favourites of the day:

He spenth his strenth amok haremscarems. (102.25)

Tifftiff today, kissykissy tonay and agelong pine tomauranna. (102.28)

For we, we have taken our sheet upon her stones where we have hanged our hearts in her trees; and we list, as she bibs us, by the waters of babbling. (103.09)
(A beautiful image this, as Nikki Fritz suggested, of us as little children listening to the stories of an embracing and loving river-mother)

(The opening of the new chapter:)
In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the Bringer of Plurabilities, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven! (104.1)

Ik dik dopedope et tu mihimihi (104.10)
('Ich dich… du mir au' is what speakers of Swiss German might here.)

Where Portentos they'd Grow Gonder how I'd Wish I Woose a Geese (104.23)

Monday, 4 November 2013

Monday, 4 November 2013

Today we read as far as 102.17: to crush the slander's head.

Some favourites regard ALP and what she did for HCE, how she:

held adazillahs to each arche of his noes (102.3)
(see flowers, arches, noses, Noah's ark…)

Picture her dressed:
with her louisequean's brogues and her culunder buzzle and her little bolero boa and all and two times twenty curlicornies for her headdress, (102.10)

and the following:
specks on her eyeux, and spudds on horeilles (102.12)
(is this suggesting 'Speck und Eier' and 'studs in her ears'?)

Monday, 28 October 2013

Monday, 28 October 2013

Today we read as far as 100.36: Hush ye fronds of Ulma!

Favourites of the day:

Mumpty! Mike room for Rumpty! (99.20)

...rayheallach royghal raxacraxian variety...  (99.27)

...pureede paumee bloody proper.  (99. 30)

Achdung! Pozor! Attenshune! Vikeroy Besights Smucky Yung Pigeschoolies.  (100.5)

... aslike as a snake comes sliduant down that oaktree onto the duke of beavers,...  (100.11)

...was at his best a onestone par-able,... (100.26)

a venter hearing his own bauchspeech in backwards (100.27)

And, another type of favourite: the way that, in the last paragraph of p. 100, a figure gradually comes into focus: that of Einstein

Monday, 21 October 2013

Monday, 21 October 2013

We stopped at 99.15"... had devoured him. C. W. cast wide."

Favourites of the day:

Big went the bang: then wildewide was quiet: a report: silence: last Fama put it under ether.... (98.2)
(Fama: Pheme, from Greek mythology, - a personification of fame and renown, her favour being notability, her wrath scandalous rumours. 

(badoldkarak-ter, commonorrong canbung) (98.9)

Batty believes a baton while Hogan hears a hod yet Heer prefers a punsil shaper and Cope and Bull go cup and ball. (98.29)

From golddawn glory to glowworm gleam. (99.1)

We were lowquacks did we not tacit turn. (99.1)

Monday, 14 October 2013

Monday, 14 October 2013

We stopped today at 97.24: "... to ongoad and unhume the great shipping mogul and underlinen overlord."

Favourites of the day:

Harik! Harik! Harik! The rose is white in the darik! And Sunfella's nose has got rhinoceritis from haunting the roes in the parik! (96.1)

So all rogues lean to rhyme. (96.3)

(All roads lead to Rome OR All rogues learn to rhyme.

... in Milton's Park under lovely Father Whisperer and making her love with his stuffstuff in the languish of flowers and feeling to find was she mushymushy,... (96.10)

Well, all right, Lelly. And shakeahand. And schenkusmore. For Craig sake. Be it suck. (96.23)

special mentalists (96.32)

urbiandor- bic (96.36)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Let us celebrate!

On Monday, 14 October, the Finnegans Wake for Beginners group is celebrating its 1st anniversary. Everybody who has felt enough of a beginner to stay on and those who feel like celebrating, please note! We will be going for a "quick" drink to the Rössli Bar in the old town after the reading. Do join!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Monday, 7 October 2013

We read today as far as 95.36: "... that time living and lying and rating and riding around Nunsbelly Square."

Favorites of the day:

The solid man saved by his sillied woman.

The elm that whimpers at the top told the stone that moans when stricken.

Ah, furchte fruchte, timid Danaides!

Well and druly dry.

So pass the push for port sake.

... before he caught his paper dispillsation from the poke,...

A paid of sycopanties with amygdaleine eyes, ...

So help her goat and kiss the bout.

Fine feelplay we had of it mid the kissabetts frisking in the kool kurkle dusk of the lushness.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Monday, 30 September 2013

Had to stop today at the middle of a looong sentence: 93.34: "..., from Samyouwill Leaver or Damyou will Lover..."

Favorites of the day:

(a pairless trentene, a lunarised score)

Lunar Sisters' Celibacy Club

(for was not just this in effect which had just caused that the effect of that which it had caused to oc-cur?)

tumass equinous

And the soother the bitther! Of eyebrow pencilled, by lipstipple penned.

To the Switz bobbyguard's curial but courtlike: Commodore valley O hairy, Arthre jennyrosy?

... and send treats in their times. Ymen.
[hear: and send peace in our time. Amen.]

Monday, 23 September 2013

Monday, 23 September 2013

We stopped at 92.5: "but with ever so ladylike indecorum, joined. (Ha! Ha!)"

Favorites of the day:

if he was to parish by the market steak before the dorming of the mawn (91.24)

mhuith peisth mhuise as fearra bheura muirre hriosmas (91.4)
(Hear: with best wishes for a merry christmas) (Note: This is supposed to be English spelled as Irish, according to

Bladyughfoulmoecklenburgwhurawhorascortastrumpapornanennykocksapastippatappatupperstrippuckputtanach (90.31)
(another 100 letter thunderword, starting with something resembling 'bloody awful' and continuing with what looks very much like names for 'whore' in various languages)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Monday, 16 September 2013

We stopped at 90.24 (page 90, line 24): "Like the crack that bruck the bank in Multifarnham."

Favorites of the day:

" That a head in thighs under a bush at the sunface would bait a serpent to a millrace through the heather." (89.31)

"As a gololy bit to joss? Leally and tululy."  (89.35)

"Let there be fight? And there was. Foght." (90.12)

Monday, 16 September 2013

Welcome to the Mondays reading group of Finnegans Wake at the Zürich James Joyce Foundation!


Here we will post the page number and the sentence we stop at during our weekly reading of Finnegans Wake at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation. The edition referred to is the print version (Those who use digital version, just paste the sentence in the search field to find the exact place!) We hope that this will help you to keep up to date if you miss a reading session!

We would be glad to get your comments and suggestions.
